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Demande d'Admission (Admissions Application)

Programme d'Intérêt

Degree Program of interest

Informations personnelles (Personal Information)

Legal First Name

Legal Last Name

Personal email address

Langue préférée

(Preferred Language)

Données d'identité (Identity Information)

Sélectionnez au moins 2 pièces d'identité émises par le gouvernement à télécharger.

Select at least 2 government- issued identifications to upload.

Image of selected ID #1

Image of selected ID #2

Référence professionnelle ou académique (Professional or Academic Reference)

Provide the name of a reference, such as a professor or supervisor, who can confirm your qualifications. Do not list yourself or a family member.

Provide the email of your reference. Do not include your own or a family member’s email.

Titres académiques (Academic Credentials)

Diplôme le plus élevé obtenu
Licence | Bachelors
Master | Masters
Doctorat | Doctorate
Autre | Other

Highest degree earned

Image of the diploma

Image of academic transcript(s)

Autres informations pertinentes (Other Pertinent Information)

Situation professionnelle
A plein temps (full-time)
A temps partiel (part-time)
Bénévole (volunteering)
Sans emploi (unemployed)
Autre | Other

Employment Status

Latest resume or CV (PDF)

Déclaration personnelle (Personal Statement)

In 1-2 paragraphs, describe a significant challenge you faced, how you overcame it, and what you learned.

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